
Monday Sep 13, 2021
On Location: Camera Scanning with JM Mendizza
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Show notes
Instagram @jmmendizza
- Negative Holders
- Pixl-latr https://www.pixl-latr.com/
- Valoi https://www.valoi.co/
- Abdi Camera https://www.catlabs.info/product/abdi-fc-35-120-film-carrier-for-flat-bed-scanning-pre-order
- Digitaliza https://shop.lomography.com/en/digitaliza-120-scanning-mask
- Essential Film Holder https://clifforth.co.uk/
- Negative Supply https://www.negative.supply/
- mongoose https://www.cameradactyl.com/mongoose
- Software
- Lightroom /Photoshop
- NLP https://www.negativelabpro.com/
- Grain 2 pixel https://grain2pixel.com/
- NEGSETS https://negmaster.com/
- Filmlab App https://www.filmlabapp.com/
- Open source
- Raw Therapee https://www.rawtherapee.com/
- Negadoctor (Darktable) https://www.darktable.org/
- Lightroom /Photoshop
Positive Fat Bass Intro Loop by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6093-positive-fat-bass-intro-loop
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Funk Game Loop by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3787-funk-game-loop
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Mike Gutterman

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
I dream of Cameras #18 Fast and Furious 18
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
- our week in acquisitions and repairs
- emails from the teeming masses, including a masterpiece by James Thorpe
- who made that film? check out tinyurl.com/whatisthatfilm
- research and acquisition - Jeff throws a camera at Gabe and he researches it on the spot
- bulk-loading cassettes are a problem!
- Robert Capa and Vivian Maier and mythmaking
- our recommended cameras in the $300 range
- patience and willingness to learn something new
- doing your own printing (darkroom or inkjet)
- focus points
- homemade cameras, 3D printing… the failure of the Reflex, the success of Cameradactyl
- what famous photographer used my camera?
- what’s the sexiest shutter sound? what analog camera provided the shutter sound of the iPhone?
- sprocket holes and fake rebates
- the Leica/Hasselblad mystique - what other cameras have an “aura”?
- pricey new films - Open That Film Night!
- love to Mike Gutterman and Rachel + Constance Mallory Brewster-Wright
- our upcoming camera giveaway! and our banner and stickers

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
I dream of Cameras #17 Leica Damn Sociopath
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
And you can find Gabe: https://twitter.com/gabestuff?lang=en

Saturday Aug 07, 2021
On Location: On a Hill Road with Ian Wallace and Jim Duncan
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Andrew Guthrie Milne was a Perth railwayman who in around 1902 took up stereo photography as a hobby. Active in competition, Andrew and his wife Harriet took his 3D camera around Scotland with the objective of creating great photographs. One hundred years later Sunny16podcast listener Ian Wallace (@ian_onahillroad) undertook a project of over 10 years duration that turned out to be a photo history adventure. Eventually, it led to him to revisit every one of the locations Andrew placed his camera a hundred years before. In this podcast Jim Duncan (Andrews' Great Nephew) and Ian (Andrews' Gt Gt Nephew) discuss Andrews photographic work, stereophotography in general and how the project led to the book "On a Hill Road". Ian would like to especially thank Jim (who is a well known country music broadcaster on WCR FM) and his wife for their help creating this recording. Some of the images discussed can be seen in 2D at the bottom of the page here https://www.onahillroad.com/on-a-hill-road-scotland-in-stereo-3d-circa-1902/ Learn about the Stereo Victo Camera https://www.onahillroad.com/the-stereo-victo-camera/ The book On a Hill Road (ISBN 978-1-9164389-0-3) is available in the UK on amazon and ebay, UK and overseas can buy on Etsy. There is a special Sunny16Presents price on the book saving 15% (Coupon SUNNY16PRESENTS) until the end of September 2021 available only in Ians Etsy store. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/OnaHillRoad?coupon=SUNNY16PRESENTS If you are interested in a talk with 3D Anaglyph images for you interest group (pandemic allowing) https://www.onahillroad.com/andrew-guthrie-milne-talks-with-3d/ You can make stereos with any camera with a little care but if you would like to try (and get the bug) using your phone the App mentioned in the podcast is "3DSteriod Pro" just look for it in your app store. There is a free version but its not expensive to go pro. To learn more about stereophotography you can visit some of these links The Stereoscopic Society http://www.stereoscopicsociety.org.uk/ @stereoscopicsociety National Stereoscopic Association https://stereoworld.org/ The London Stereoscopic Company https://www.londonstereo.com/ @londonstereoscopiccompany To view some images by great modern stereo makers follow @nanty_narking @gerland_lo Finally, thanks to Sunny16Presents for giving me the chance to tell Andrews story in this podcast. Ian Wallace June 2021

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
I dream of Cameras #16 Reciprocity Success!
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
We asked for emails and DMs, and y’all reciprocated! In this freewheeling episode, Jeff and Gabe react to suggestions, corrections and emendations from our legions of faithful listeners. What are our cinematic influences? Is Ansel Adams a terrible writer? How nice is Dave Grohl? What is the nature of reality? You won’t wanna miss this one.
And you can find Gabe: https://twitter.com/gabestuff?lang=en

Monday Jul 19, 2021
On Location: The Goldilocks Negative with Billy Sanford
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Welcome back to On Location, the listener created show! On this episode, Billy Sanford shares his pursuit of the ideal "Goldilocks negative" as part of his ongoing work to perfect his printing.
Find Billy here: https://www.instagram.com/bsanfordjr/?hl=en
Episode 10 of the Large Format Photography Podcast - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-mxztq-b93e5a
Richard Pickup's website and blog post about film speed testing -
Mike Gutterman music for productions -

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
I dream of Cameras #15 Fight us again!
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
- Gabe’s saga: reacquiring a Konica Hexar AF after letting one go many years ago
- Jeff’s saga: trying to find an inexpensive 35mm lens for the Leica M6
- Bokeh: the pronunciation and fetishization thereof
- The scourge of slow-shutter-speed water shots
- Pre-flashed films and deliberate light leaks
- Leaving dust specks on film scans ‘cause it’s “more authentic”
- Photographic authenticity, Errol Morris’s book Believing Is Seeing
- The Crop Snobs
- Who actually manufactures your film?
- What’s cooler, LCDs or LEDs?
- The Scannenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Meter shunners
- You should be bulk-loading, yeah
- Cheers for the return of Polaroid Duochrome Black and Blue
- Come see us at the SoCal Camera Show!

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
I dream of Cameras #14 How We Shoot
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Episode 14 • How We Shoot
In this episode, the hosts turn the lens on themselves, examine their shooting styles, methods and subject matter.
Jeff asks Gabe about his portraiture work:
- How did you get started doing portraiture work? Seems to be your favorite mode of photography - is it?
- How did the word get out? - models now tag you when they're coming to town
- How do you prepare? - choosing cameras, film stocks, location, wardrobe, looks
- Model releases - do you get 'em? What are the terms of your agreement with them? Do you charge for them to use your stuff, pay them for the session, or is it a favor by you/them?
- Do you shoot mostly men, women or a mix? Do you have a preference?
- How do you direct and work with your subject?
- Does mom or dad or manager or publicist ever attend the shoot?
- How long is a session? What's the ideal length?
- How do you cull, how many images do you show them?
- If a shot is published, what do you get? What's the best placement you've ever gotten?
- You don't have to name names, but talk about your best session ever... and your worst
Gabe asks Jeff about his photos of "plants and buildings":
- What’s your favorite subject to shoot?
- How often do you think about shooting?
- Is there a camera you take with you more than others?
- How do you make the decision of what camera to bring?
- Will you approach people to shoot?
- What camera do you bring that’s always been a conversation starter?
- How do you decide what film stock to use?
- How often do you shoot and then go home right away and process?
- Where are your favorite places to go take pictures?
- What is your favorite travel camera?
- How many rolls of film will you bring to shoot?
- Do friends ever ask you to take pictures?
- Has anyone asked you to do a wedding?
- What are you thinking about when you’re shooting? Framing? Exposure? Bokeh?
And you can find Gabe: https://twitter.com/gabestuff?lang=en

Monday Jun 14, 2021
I dream of Cameras #13The Purge (feat. Danielle Wrobleski)
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
1. What purpose does the camera fulfill?2. Do I have a set home for this camera?3. Am I showing enough gratitude toward the camera?4. Does the camera spark joy?
Danielle Wrobleski on Instagram: @girlwithtoomanycameras

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Lens Punk #1
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Lens Punk, a group of photographers and tinkerers who like to use lenses that are DIY.
Erik mentions Adam Donnelly environmental pinhole pictures.
Primitive Photography by Alan Greene
Make your own photographic emulsions: http://www.thelightfarm.com/ (this is the one Graham couldn’t remember the name of).
Lens Punk is:
Erik: IG https://www.instagram.com/erikhmathy/
Dom: IG https://www.instagram.com/lens_punk/ https://lenspunk.org/
Graham: IG https://www.instagram.com/downthefidelitycurve/
And YOU!
Thank you to the Sunny 16 team and all of the donors who make the Sunny 16 Presents feed possible.