
Monday Jan 10, 2022
I Dream of Cameras #25 Where have all the cameras gone?
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
- The mailbag!
- It's a New Year — once again, check your batteries and exercise your cameras!
- As of October 2021, Paul BG is no longer making The Thingy, so how do we replace the discontinued mercury 625 battery? The 675 hearing-aid battery plus either a #9 rubber O-ring or a #10 split lock washer
- Time for more controversy: do you use the self-timer?
- Jeff's Electro Spotmatic meter has failed, and when a camera isn’t working, he cannot have it in the house
- Our thrift-store odyssey: Where are all the film cameras? They’ve been camer-raptured!
- Where to sell stuff, other than eBay? OfferUp, Mercari, Facebook Marketplace, ShopGoodwill, Etsy...
- Jeff’s hunt for an XPan / Fujifilm TX
- Are digicams the new film? (see this Casual Photophile article)
- Books: Pentti Sammallahti’s Here, Far Away
- Finally: Gabe’s annual report from the IDOC corporate retreat

Saturday Jan 01, 2022
On Location: Music and Photography #1 With Billy Sanford and Clare Marie Bailey
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Billy Sanford talks to members of the film photography community with a keen passion in music to explore where this interest intersects with and affects their passion for photography.
Clare on Instagram - @claremariebailey (she specifically referenced her images "Burnished Hour" and "Around Midnight" as musically inspired images)
Where some of her work has been featured - https://www.claremariebailey.com/press
Mirror Gaze on Bandcamp - https://sivilised.bandcamp.com/album/watch
Clare recommends HTRK, Boards of Canada and Kurt Vile for inspiration
Background music by Mike Gutterman - https://mikegutterman.bandcamp.com
Article on trying concert photography on film - https://www.35mmc.com/28/12/2021/trying-concert-photography-on-film-by-billy-sanford/

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
I Dream of Cameras #24 Yippee Kai Yay (A Christmas Episode)
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
- the bulging mailbag, featuring listener feedback about depth-of-field preview, keeping the other eye open, soft releases, macro vs. telephoto...
- lucky limerick-contest winner David Van Sluis got a $150 gift card (instead of $50) from The Darkroom!
- check out Ethan Moses's Kickstarter - he's bringing his homemade 20x24 instant camera to Los Angeles
- what's with Linda McCartney's weird grip on her Nikon F in Get Back?
- follow-up to our Olympus episode: we forgot the rare & desirable Pen W! check out Daido Moriyama’s NY 71 to see what this lovely machine can do
- Kai Wong interview:
- who are your primary comedic influences?
- this week marks five years of your YouTube channel - how’s it going?
- what made you wanna write this book? and why film photography?
- the two halves of the book: first technical, then artistic
- tip #94: buy flight tickets, not gear
- talk about your first camera, the Pentax MZ-M - what other cameras have you held onto?
- street photography in Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles
- what's your shooting ratio for YouTube videos?
- neck strap, wrist strap or no strap?
- do you use a camera bag?
- do you use depth-of-field preview?
- do you keep the other eye open?
- is it more fun reviewing a bad camera?
- would you pay $3,600 for a Nikon FM2/T Year of the Dog camera?
- end-of-year thoughts
- check out our merch page for excellent holiday gifts!
- thanks to Fred Coury and Keith Greenstein - the whole team will be assembling for an IDOC corporate retreat this weekend
- to wrap up a glorious year, Gabe suggests everyone remind Jeff how much he’s wrong

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
On Location: Quirky Cameras #2 with Ian Fleming
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Ian Fleming IG https://www.instagram.com/ifleming/
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/bathuk/
Olympus AFL-S http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Olympus_AFL_%26_AFL-S
Intrepid 4x5 https://intrepidcamera.co.uk/products/intrepid-camera
Intrepid Enlarger https://intrepidcamera.co.uk/products/intrepid-enlarger-kit-full?taxon_id=37
Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1436129614/intrepid-4x5-enlarger-print-and-scan-35mm-120-and
Olympus AFL-T http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Olympus_AFL-T
Fuji Rensha Cardia http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Fuji_Rensha_Cardia
Polaroid 3000 https://all-my-cameras.com/2013/08/09/the-polaroid-3000-pronto-rf_en/
Kodak Instamatic X90 https://www.flickr.com/photos/vincentnip/5870862363/in/pool-camerapornfriday/

Monday Dec 06, 2021
I Dream of Cameras #23 Olympus has Fallen
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
- they used the same font as the camera maker for the Olympus Has Fallen poster!
- a dip into the mailbag
- do you use depth-of-field preview?
- Gabe's trip to Toronto and Downtown Camera
- Jeff’s new 50mm f4 Macro-Takumar, a rare find
- is macro more exciting than tele?
- Gabe pits his new Nikon FM3a against his old Leicaflex, with surprising results
- soft releases are nice, but the expensive ones are ridiculous (as are hot shoe ornaments)
- Paul Thomas Anderson with his Nikon 28Ti - do you keep the other eye open?
- and now: our Olympus show!
- genius designer: Yoshihisa Maitani
- 35RC (Jeff’s first camera)
- 35RD
- 35SP (and SPn, and DC, and UC, and…)
- Trip 35
- Pen D3
- Pen EF
- Pen EE
- Pen EE-3 (a box of 'em)
- Pen FT (see Billy Name’s All Tomorrow’s Parties book) and its GREAT lenses (25mm, 38mm pancake, 38mm macro, 40mm, 60mm f1.5…)
- OM-1: the one camera all four IDOCkers own
- the XA series
- Pen F digital
- the new “OM System"
- our limerick contest winners! over 75 entries! some were not limericks, and some were filthy! thanks to everyone who participated!
- thanks to all our listeners - hey, give us a review on iTunes!
- check out our new character merch!

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
- A few items from the mailbag
- reminder about our fabulous contest — compose a limerick whose final word is a camera brand!
- Gabe’s Speed Graphic + two birthday acquisitions: Nikon FM3a and Pentax 6x7
- Jeff’s ConSol didn’t work, so bring on the Electro Spotmatic!
- Our Pentax show!
- the mighty Pentax 6x7 and its siblings
- Spotmatic… Spotmatic F… Electro Spotmatic
- The K1000, basically a Spotmatic F with a bayonet mount (but no timer or DOF preview! you can do better!)
- The rest of the K series, including Jeff’s one-of-a-kind half-frame KX
- The ME, ME Super SE... and the weird half-frame medical MF
- Pentax Auto 110 and Auto 110 Super
- KEH just opened a brick and mortar store in Atlanta!
- Our shooting plans for the coming weeks
- And finally! Check out the great new IDOC character shirts launching this week in the merch section of our website!

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
I Dream Of Cameras #21 Introspective / Camera Shop Boys
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
After a dip into our bulging mailbag, an introspective episode: Why do we second-guess ourselves? What keeps us from getting out and experimenting? Why are we afraid to take chances? How do we avoid becoming discouraged? Perhaps by asking a friend to shoot with us? Maybe photograph some elderly relatives? Trust two comedy writers to plumb your psyche and heal all ills. Finally, we wrap up with gear updates, and — at long last — our FABULOUS CONTEST where you can win FABULOUS PRIZES!

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
On Location: Quirky Cameras #1 with Ian Fleming
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
On this episode of On Location, Ian Fleming talks about a few less well known cameras from his collection in an effort to shine a little light on some of the underdogs from the camera world.
You can find Ian's photography here: https://www.instagram.com/ifleming/?hl=en
Positive Fat Bass Intro Loop by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6093-positive-fat-bass-intro-loop
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Soft Vibes Logo
Licence: The sound is permitted for non-commercial use under license “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
I dream of Cameras #20 • Catch Up, Soup and Purée
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
- thank-yous from Gabe for his NYFW adventure
- the mailbag
- recapping this week's Beers & Cameras events
- we miss the Pasadena camera show! how are y’all coping?
- we've tried hitting the thrift stores — where are the film cameras?
- Gabe makes good on his Marie Nikondo vow — use your underused cameras, or get rid of ‘em! think of that 22-year-old graduate student at UT Austin!
- Jeff’s new acquisition: the Canon 50mm 1.4 for Leica screwmount
- Jeff is not doing color processing anymore
- Polaroid Color SX-70 film is not very sharp
- follow-up to our previous discussion of Vivian Maier
- since Facebook & Instagram were down this week, let’s talk social media: is it net positive or net negative?
- camera spotlight: our favorite point and shoots
- coming soon: our camera giveaway!

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
I dream of Cameras #19 • Icons and Nikons
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
An XL episode boasting two blockbuster features: Gabe’s recap of his adventures covering New York Fashion Week, followed by our survey of the esteemed camera marque known as Nikon.