
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
On Location: Fumbling in the Dark with Dave Walker, Part 1
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Listen to this first of two parts where Dave Walker talks us through his first experience with RA4 colour printing.
Dave on Instagram: @davethewalker80
Dave mentions Ribsy. Ribsy's YouTube channel can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoingFilmThings/about
Music: Positive Fat Bass Intro Loop by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6093-positive-fat-bass-intro-loop

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Grainsplaining #1 Grandma’s Shewee
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
I Dream of Cameras #36 Make It Wit Chu
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Jeff is on location! Gabe’s just back from the frozen north! And they still manage to find time for a rollicking conversation with photographer and YouTuber Chris Chu. Tune in for the fascinating result — we did indeed rollick!
- Gabe’s adventure at Downtown Camera in Toronto with Jessica Devic
- which camera(s!) Jeff decided to bring on his trip to Atlanta and the UK: Rollei 35 SE and Minox LX
- Polaroid’s new Green Duochrome is great!
- a moderate dip into our moldering mailbag, with more talk of travel cameras and bulk-loading Ektachrome
- Our rollicking interview with Chris Chu:
- his abrupt decision to abandon a computer science degree in San Francisco to pursue his crazy dream of a photography career in Los Angeles
- his journey into film photography, starting with the Canon P
- and then into medium format with the Pentax 645, the Mamiya RB67 Pro SD and the Mamiya RZ67
- Chris tries to convince Jeff to get a Big Ugly Box medium-format camera
- his favorite film stocks Portra 160 and Ektar 100
- shooting color when you're color-blind
- what fueled his growing camera-collecting addiction
- ...but why no 35mm SLRs?
- what he likes about the rangefinder shooting experience
- zone focusing: setting a hyperfocal distance and training yourself to use it
- camera bags — and how many cameras do you carry at once?
- half-frame cameras: the half-a-cookie debate is reignited!
- why own the same camera (Leica M6) in both chrome and black?
- he's flirting with the Leica M-A - Jeff tries to save him by pitching the M3, M2 and CL
- how do you refrain from getting that next camera? — he doesn’t! he just bought a Hasselblad 501CM!
- Gabe shows off his 500ELM, an impulse buy at B&H Photo — it’s the Leica M5 of the Hasselblad line
- Jeff implores Chris to talk him out of the Hasselblad XPan… and he does! whaddya need it for? you have the Widelux!
- if you have to give away all but one of your cameras, which would you keep? the RZ67!
- Chris on YouTube and Instagram and his website

Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Music and Photography #11 Jody Andrasi
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Show notes:
Jody on Instagram - @jodyfarms
Jody on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/JodyFarms
Mansbridge on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3WgKgrVJF3ZXmd4pbA29w9?si=xB6IEHmHSh2TpFbpI5ULXw
Farler's Fury on Bandcamp - https://farlersfury.bandcamp.com
Our theme song is "Timeless" by Mike Gutterman. Mike makes music available for content creators at mikegutterman.bandcamp.com
Follow the show on Instagram @musicandphotographypodcast and on Twitter at @musicnphotopod

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
I Dream of Cameras #35 mm (feat. Talya Adams)
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
- Gabe’s bare-bones kit for his upcoming Canada trip: Leica M4 and M10
- The Nikonos V is nice-konos! - let’s hear from Nikonos shooters!
- the mailbag, featuring:
- Talya Adams interview:
- how she got into film photography
- her thrift-store Rollei 35 S and the Rollei B 35 that replaced it
- her LA shop of choice: Walter’s Camera Repairs
- learning her way around the exposure triangle
- learning to develop her own film
- her love for TMax 400
- capturing personality in portraiture work
- her next camera: the Canon AE-1 Program
- how her admiration for Jane Bown led her to the Olympus OM-1
- and then the OM-4 and the OM-10
- what led her into medium-format?
- her experiences with the Mamiya RB67, Mamiya 645, Pentax 645… before getting her own Pentax 6x7
- her first rangefinder cameras: the Olympus 35RC and Canon QL17
- not much love for the Canon P - she prefers the 7s
- “buying the dip” on eBay
- how many cameras is excessive?
- her key shooters: Leica M3, Hasselblad 500C, Pentax 6x7 and Yashica A
- why should Jeff want a Big Ugly Box camera like the 500C? because it will make him a better person
- the philosophy which underlies her YouTube channel: develop your eye
- Talya’s Instagram, YouTube, Medium and website

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Music and Photography #10 Christine Pennock
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
@Resgerr on Twitter
@redgerr8 on Instagram
"Timeless" by Mike Gutterman at mikegutterman.bandcamp.com
@bsanfordjr on Instagram/Twitter
Music and Photography Podcast:
@musicandphotographypodcast on Instagram
@musicnphotopod on Twitter

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
I Dream of Cameras #34 Call Mr. Lee
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
- Oskar Barnack’s 1923 0-series Leica sold at auction for $12 million
- Gabe sold two Bronicas at LA Film Camera in Studio City
- the return of The Thingy, a adapter which lets you replace the obsolete PX675 mercury battery with a cheap 675 zinc-air hearing-aid battery
- how many cameras do you have loaded simultaneously?
- an abbreviated mailbag!
- our interview with Trev Lee:
- trading his beloved Leica M5 for a Rolleiflex TLR from Gabe’s collection
- which of his 20 cameras does he bring on a shoot?
- the allure of the Nikon FM3a - how did he acquire one, how did it vault to the top of his list, and why is it so great?
- black vs. chrome cameras
- his favorite lens for the Nikon: the 40mm Voigtlander Ultron
- the rest of his Nikon lens arsenal are all by Voigtländer! the 28mm Skopar, the 58mm Nokton, and the 90mm APO-Lanthar
- are rising costs changing the hobby?
- the Canon Rebel and Elan as good affordable starter cameras
- are people printing more? what’s the value of a print?
- and furthermore, what’s the emotional component of photography for him?
- does working at a photography business siphon off some of the joy? how do you balance the demands of the job with your personal work?
- the culture of The Darkroom, their dedication to customer service and his role as their social media manager
- Trev’s website

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Quirky Cameras #8
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Ian Fleming IG https://www.instagram.com/ifleming/
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/bathuk/
Minolta AL https://camerapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Minolta_AL
Polaroid Swinger II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh6j3Rr3C9A
Kodak Instamatic 304 https://vintagecameralab.com/kodak-instamatic-304/
FR Special Model 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyC-3W902HQ
Gnome Universal Developing Tank https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313665537894
Paterson Major II Developing Tank https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-004479
Email quirkycamerapodcast@gmail.com
Mike Gutterman Music, Positive Test https://mikegutterman.bandcamp.com/Quirkyalbum/electronic-music-for-productions-volume-6
Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast https://anchor.fm/mikegutterman/episodes/Negative-Positives-Podcast-377-5-e1cg7pd

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Music and Photography #9 Anil Mistry
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Anil's website: https://www.anilmistryphoto.com
Anil's book "Hometown": https://fistfulofbooks.com/product/hometown/
Anil's Spotify playlists:
"Timeless" by Mike Gutterman via mikegutterman.bandcamp.com
Music and Photography podcast on IG: @musicandphotographypodcast
Billy on IG: @bsanfordjr

Friday Jun 03, 2022
I Dream of Cameras #33 Valentine’s Day
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
- John-Michael Mendizza’s copy stand solution: a koolehaoda rail
- Looking for an inexpensive way to shoot Nikon glass? Check out the oft-neglected Nikonos system — you can score a body and two lenses for under $150!
- Valentine de Villemeur interview — her website and Instagram
- Finally: what’s up with Portra 400? We can’t find it anywhere!